Saturday, December 11, 2010

36 Make it a First by Graduating in Dunedin

Brockville Graduates

Forbury Graduates

There was a real air of excitement and celebration at the Civic Centre in Dunedin on Thursday night, as the first 36 people who have taken part in the launch of the Computers in Homes project in both Forbury and Brockville Schools graduated. Some of our special guests included His Worship The Mayor Dave Cull, Deputy Mayor Chris Staynes and some fellow councillors. Members of the Dunedin City Digital Strategy Steering Group, National CiH Coordinator Di Das and an scattering of interested principals from other Dunedin Schools. A surprise for all came when Clare Curran MP was replaced by Peter Brook from Otago Polytech, who gave Clares apologies and delivered her address on her behalf. Janice Tofia (Forbury) and Ben Sincock (Brockville) spoke on the impact this programme has had on both their schools and the local school community. Then came the graduation. Each graduate was called in turn by their respective tutor (Tony & Liz Hayward or Brian Filipo) and congratulated by His Worship (complete with all the bling). Finally with each participant standing by their hard earned machines photos were taken. A representative from each class then joined with the Mayor in the cutting of the graduation cake. Much to all the childrens excitement the Mayor then proceeded to cut the cut and give a piece to each person there, still complete with the bling

The Nights Line Up





The Cake