Friday, October 7, 2011

Port Chalmers Make a Grand Finale for Term 3

When we arrived at Port Chalmers School for our final graduation for Term 3 the whole school was a buzz. Some of it may have been that the school holidays were mere hours away but also many had family who were graduating and taking their computers home. So the excitement was easy to feel. Principal Vicki Nicholson made us extremely welcome and was herself really excited for the families who were graduating. We were once again joined by Barbara Craig from 2020 Communications Trust in Wellington. Wew ere entertained by a rousing rendition of the school song and were joined by all students from the school. Even once the presentation stage of the assembly was over the excitement and noise levels in the roon were amazing. Thank you Port Chalmers we look forward to coming back next term for the next classes.

Port Chalmers Graduation on PhotoPeach

Forbury Celebrate Their Final Graduation

Forbury School as we know it celebrated its final graduation on Firday 7 October, as the school is being closed at the end of 2011 in a major restructuring that is being done by the Ministry. Barbara Craig from 2020 Communications Trust flew from Wellington to celebrate with them. Also thanks to the house staying on schedule Dunedin South MP Clare Curran was able to make it back from Wellington to celebrate with us. Children were able to leave their classes to celebrate with parents & grand parents who were graduating. Well done to them all and I have included a slide show of a selection of photos of both presentations and happy family groups before they left with their machines. My thanks to Forbury School who have been awesome partners with Computers in Homes over the past year.

Forbury Graduation Term 3 2011 on PhotoPeach

Saturday, October 1, 2011

After the Lull Comes the Storm

NEV mum Andrea & her children
Pine Hills graduate Bonnies kids were so
proud of mum.

Gee has Dunedin seen some action on the CiH front over the last two weeks, and theres still another week to go.
PineHills Graduate Sandra with
 her children
Pine hills Marina & children
Bronny & the kids did a great job
filling in for dad Wayne when he
couldn't get to the grad.
Pine Hills Glencora had 2 happy
 kids when mum graduated.
All the current nine classes that are running have been visited by me to tick off their three commitments, and all came through with flying colours. All 52 participants have now completed their required 20 hours of training ( and this is no mean feat during winter months in the south), all completed their Online Surveys ( moans and all) and all managed to navigate their way round the beehive of wires Louis presented them with. Well done to you all. Classes over the last term have had to make up hours as participants (in fact all of Dunedin) were unexpectedly snowed in but everyone faced with a sigh and a smile and are now playing with their spoils. Pine Hill and North East Valley combined for their graduation on Friday 30 September, and once again and lovely spread was shared with the children and staff. Thanks for the hospitality Mel. Check out some of the photos in this post. Sorry there is not more but my photography skills leave alot to be desired. We have another three coming up on Thursday 6 October and Friday 7 October and hopefully another kind photographer will step up to the plate and you will have some even better photos to check out.
NEV graduate Ruth poses with daughter
& son-in-law Greg who graduated from
PineHill last term
Once more congradulations to all 52 who have graduated. I'd also like to take this chance to welcome the 17 new participants who have started training at Concord, Pine Hill & Port Chalmers.
Nev graduate for Term 3 Joanne with
NEV graduate from term2 Craig.
NEV senior graduates Russell & Vivian Brooks
share the day with tutor Tony.