With all schools in Dunedin gearing up to a very hectic month of big assemblies, prize givings and farewells, our three classes were keen to keep their graduations a nice low key family affair. While classes were running at 3 different schools they were small in size, with 5 participants at Concord, 5 at Pine Hill and 7 at Port Chalmers. All three held their final classes this week on Monday and Tuesday. It was decided by all participants that they wanted their families to share their final class with a small presentation of certificates and flash drives by their tutors Tony & Liz, conratulations from the project co-ordinator Janine and then a chat with the tech (Louis) over a cup of tea and someting to eat. While quiet in size and razamatazz they were no less excited by their success and within half an hour of the cuppas being out there was some very happy children, proud partners and contented participants heading for the doors with all types of computer parts sticking out of their armpits. I would like to once again "pat them all on their backs" for their efforts and thank the three principals involved, Margaret (Concord), Mel (Pine Hill) and Vicki (Port Chalmers) and their schools for the support given to our project over 2011 and you never know we may return. Time to check out those photos below.Pinehill School Celebrate for the Third Time on PhotoPeach
Second Graduation for Concord School on PhotoPeach
Port Chalmers Second Graduation on PhotoPeach