After a couple of false starts Carisbrook class are finally close to reaching Graduation. It took along time and a couple of false starts to get this group up and running but the nine participants that remain, have work tirelessly towards thier graduation. This was marked this week with the holding of their class on machine assembly. Big thanks to those who dragged themselves there coughing and sneezing. Pleased we ahve all had our Flu jabs. Anyway it was also meant to be the class where they did their Online Survey and would have then completed their obligations towards Graduation. Yes you guessed it. This poor class have had no luck. Janine went down sick half way through the class and had to leave, so next week we will all have another go at completing this group and graduating them on Wednsday 29 May at 6pm. Well done this whole group for their dedication and willpower to overcome all the obstacles they have encountered.