Thursday, October 30, 2014
Combined Graduation to End 2014 in Dunedin
Well Tuesday 21st October saw nearly half of our annual allotment of families graduate. It had it's moments with three different venues and times and then two Principals at meetings and one very unwell BUT we pulled it off in the end.
We had 43 families graduating from three different schools, Halfway Bush, Brockville, and Carisbrook. We also had 13 participants graduating from Stepping UP classes being held in Carisbrook and Brockville Schools. There was also eight children from Halfway Bush School who received their iPad Minis through our BYOD scheme.
It was an absolutely huge night but the team enjoyed meeting all the families and catching up with families they had been training over the past term and a half.
Once more we were blown away by the numbers indicating they were wanting to attend next weeks Stepping UP classes and these will be held at Halfway Bush and Carisbrook. We were also pleased to see 50% of all families taking up the subsidised Internet option.
All this means we should have some pretty switched on and connected families all over Dunedin this summer holidays. Hope you enjoy checking out the photos from the not so shy participants on the night.
Thanks to all three Principals Ben Sincock (Carisbrook), Craig Hickford (Brockville) and Brian Filipo (halfway Bush). Your support of the programme and your families and wider communities has been amazing.
Combined Grad Oct 2014 on PhotoPeach
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Pinehill Start our End of Year Graduations
Well 2014 seems to be rapidly coming to an end with all our classes finishing their training. The little group at Pinehill School started them off last week. They chose to have a smaller (more intimate) graduation sharing it with family and few others.
They completed their final class at 7 pm on Monday 20th October and went straight into graduation. All seemed keen to get home with their new toys and have a play.
This class were the only class that has been through Computers in Home sin Dunedin with a 100% attendance. I could set my watch by the time I received their e-mails each week.
At the celebration it was really awesome to hear that of the seven graduating five are going to be returning next week, same place same time to start the Stepping UP training.
What awesome role models you are. Well done.
Pinehill Grad 2014 on PhotoPeach
They completed their final class at 7 pm on Monday 20th October and went straight into graduation. All seemed keen to get home with their new toys and have a play.
This class were the only class that has been through Computers in Home sin Dunedin with a 100% attendance. I could set my watch by the time I received their e-mails each week.
At the celebration it was really awesome to hear that of the seven graduating five are going to be returning next week, same place same time to start the Stepping UP training.
What awesome role models you are. Well done.
Pinehill Grad 2014 on PhotoPeach
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Dunedin Mark Another First
Our first class registered at Brockville toady and will continue to study online using their machines and Internet at home over the next 12 months. They will also have access to class assistance using the POD at Halfway Bush.
A big thanks must go to their tutor Rebecca South. She believed in this programme and was committed to seeing it be offered in Dunedin. She has attended our latest two NCCG meetings to "keep shaking the cages of the powers that be" and here is the reward.
Well done all. I'm looking forward to seeing the progress.
Check out this link for a more in depth review
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Welcome to our new 2014-15 year. What a start !!!!!!
Class at Halfway Bush on PhotoPeach
Well there is no denying that the grapevine is still strong in Dunedin.
Word has got out that we have secured the funding for another 100 families for this financial year and my phone has rung off the hook.
So for those who may still not know our current classes here is a run down of the classes for the remainder of 2014.
We have three classes running at Carisbrook School. These are on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings from 6-8.30 pm. They are tutored by Liz and Tony.
There is a Monday evening class at Pinehill from 6-8.30pm and this is tutored by Rebecca.
There is a day class at Halfway Bush on a Wednesday from 9.30-12 noon. All of these classes are now full or over flowing.
We will be starting another class at Brockville next week and the day and time is still to be decided. This class does have a couple of places still available. If you are interested just contact the school office.
We have two Stepping UP classes running. One at Carisbrook on Thursday from 6pm and the other at Brockville on a Friday morning starting at 9.30 am. We also have some ready to start KiwiSkills. So if you're one of them keep your eyes and ears peeled. In the meantime check out a couple of photos of our starting classes.
Carisbrook Wednesday Class on PhotoPeach
Well there is no denying that the grapevine is still strong in Dunedin.
Word has got out that we have secured the funding for another 100 families for this financial year and my phone has rung off the hook.
So for those who may still not know our current classes here is a run down of the classes for the remainder of 2014.
We have three classes running at Carisbrook School. These are on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings from 6-8.30 pm. They are tutored by Liz and Tony.
There is a Monday evening class at Pinehill from 6-8.30pm and this is tutored by Rebecca.
There is a day class at Halfway Bush on a Wednesday from 9.30-12 noon. All of these classes are now full or over flowing.
We will be starting another class at Brockville next week and the day and time is still to be decided. This class does have a couple of places still available. If you are interested just contact the school office.
We have two Stepping UP classes running. One at Carisbrook on Thursday from 6pm and the other at Brockville on a Friday morning starting at 9.30 am. We also have some ready to start KiwiSkills. So if you're one of them keep your eyes and ears peeled. In the meantime check out a couple of photos of our starting classes.
Carisbrook Wednesday Class on PhotoPeach
Monday, August 4, 2014
Final Graduation for 2013-14
Unfortunately I was unable to attend this graduation but was happy to leave it to the capable team to hold. I managed to catch up with all except a couple of the participants during the final weeks of classes to arrange their Internet Connections and complete their surveys.
All seemed eager to get their hands on their machines once graduated. I heard more then once however how quickly they felt the eight weeks of training had passed. This was made evident by the big number wanting to take advantage of the following terms Stepping UP classes at both Carisbrook and Brockville Schools.
So I can't really comment on the graduation, apart from saying it has all been very positive feedback. So I hope you enjoy looking through the photos as much as I did.
Finally keep your eyes glued here. Funding has been secured for our 2014-15 year and classes will be starting again in a couple of weeks.
Final Graduation for 2013-14 on PhotoPeach
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Final Numbers for 2013-14 Year
Well we thought we could sit back and enjoy the cruise to the finish line after such a hectic term in Term1 BUT NO. Term 2 has seen our profile raised to huge standards with both parent registration and information nights producing big numbers of people. So we now have 20 families participating at Halfway Bush School and another 24 families at Carisbrook School. Both schools have started their training and are due to graduate on 3rd July at a combined graduation. So welcome aboard to you all and I hope you all enjoy your CiH experience.2 Carisbrook Classes on PhotoPeach
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Well last night was a real experience for us all. We expected 100 people, we put out 150 seats and then still had to get more and had people standing still. It was held in the new Josephine Lobby at Otago Settlers Museum. We had 38 families graduating from the Computers in Homes classes at Brockville and Carisbrook Schools, along with 63 brave people who had registered for the BYOD pilot at these schools. There was a range of VIP's from the Mayor, Dave Cull, Dunedin South MP Clare Curran, Councillors, Otago Community Board, Digital Office, WIC, CiH Steering Group and 2020 National Office. We started with parents being presented with their certificates for CiH from the Mayor and then went on to a special presentation to both participating Principals, Ben Sincock (Carisbrook) and Brian Filipo (Brockville) from Barbara Craig and Di Daniels from 2020's National Office. Then came the presentation of the devices and it was awesome to see that the children who will be using them either accompanied their parent, or came forward on their own to accept them. The smiles on their faces was remarkable. They were all being overheard asking when they could take their device to school and then amazed that they were taking them home and were allowed to play with them over the school holidays. Many parents received some great Brownie Points from their children last night. I think they may have rivalled the Easter Bunny this year. Thanks to everyone for the enormous efforts put in this term here in Dunedin, all the people (mostly in Wellington) that had to put up with numerous "HELP" calls from me and congratulations to all the 101 graduates. Footnote to my team down here. If I ever say we're doing this again please gag me. Otago Settlers Museum on PhotoPeach
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
BYOD Starts to get Exciting in Dunedin
Monday, February 17, 2014
Carisbrook Come Onboard for BYOD
Mondays Parent Information Evening at Carisbrook School saw another keen group of families ready to sign up to participate in the
first BYOD classes in Dunedin. Along with Brockville School there will be 63 eager and willing parents giving up a little of their
free time this term to help their families get a desktop computer at home, along with an Internet connection BUT also making it
possible for their children to own their own digital device for use at school and at home. Classroom teachers have come on board
by offering all lessons via digital devices for the classes that are taking part in this scheme. Watch this space as the updates
become available.
BYOD Info Nights on PhotoPeach
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Brockville Keen to Hear About BYOD Pilot
Wow what an excellent start to 2014. We have engaged with a very eager Brian at Brockville. He will be working as the temporary Principal while the school sorts out their new Principal. Lucky for us we had worked with him before and he was keen to give the new concept of BYOD a trial run. We sent out the invitations for the Parent Info night and Brian (the school) supplied the cake, bickies and cups of tea. We were expecting about 20 families, with maybe 15 turning up on the night. You can imagine my surprise when there was 29 present. We discussed all avenues open to families. All except one are going to complete the full 20 hours training for CiH AND also want to complete the nine hours training for the internet connection and being able to take part in the new BYOD scheme. We are going to have a busy term but both tutors feel they are up for the challenge. It will be interesting to see the response at a similar meeting to be held at Carisbrook next week. Watch this space for updates. This will be a real term of learning for all involved.
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