Sunday, September 4, 2016
For All Participants Waiting for Stepping UP
Great news for those who have graduated through Computers in Homes Dunedin or anyone who just wants to polish up your skills. Classes are now running through the Central Public Library in town. Please have a read of the attached poster. Happy learning.
Thursday, August 18, 2016
Computers in Homes Goes To Mllton
Well our new financial year has rolled around in July. Dunedin was allocated another 50 spaces for family training again.
At long last we have been able to meet our commitment to deliver the project further afield than just Dunedin City with the start of the project in Milton. We have three of the main schools in Milton eager to be part of the programme. The team will consist of myself with Sarah Ennor joining us as the tutor, and Ivor Folland will round the team off as the technician. We will be meeting with the Principals to select the school to host the POD of training computers and to agree on the structure the scheme will take. We will then invite each school to select ten families to start training with the goal of graduating in time for Xmas.
I will also be meeting with Greg Hurley, who is the new Principal of Silverstream, with the view of training another class there before Xmas, and this should clear the waiting list there. This will leave us with ten spaces to clear some of the waiting list at Carisbrook School. This team will be headed by me with Erin as the tutor and Ivor will round the team out as the technician.
All these five classes will be started over the remainder of August and September to have all 50 graduating in time to enjoy their machines and Internet connections over the holiday break.
Friday, May 20, 2016
All the Hard Work is about to Pay Off
Well it's that time of the year again as just under half of our families who have undertaken the programme are about to reap the rewards of all their hard work.
We have a class from Port Chalmers School graduating on 26th May. Then Silverstream sees a class graduating on 30th May. Then a class from Carisbrook School and Portabello School will both celebrate in the first two weeks of June. Congratulations to you all and keep an eye out for photos to be posted.
I'd also like to welcome a class of 12 participants who have started training during the last couple of weeks at Carisbrook School POD, and yes I will catch up with you all over the next couple of weeks.
While I have this chance I would like to farewell Rebecca South. She has really put her heart and soul into not only Computers in Homes but also Stepping UP and KiwiSkills. Unfortunately she has taken up full time employment. I know I can speak on behalf of all the participants, and all my fellow work mates in saying we wish her well for the future and thanking her for all her selfless conviction to all our programmes and people. We will keep in touch with her and you never know where she may pop up again.
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
Registrations for 2016 Get Underway
This week has seen us start again for the 2016 year with participants registering for classes that will start next week.
At the moment we have the numbers for 2 classes at Carisbrook although there is still a couple of spaces still available.
We have a Info/Registration night at Silverstream School in Mosgiel next week with the hope of having one class there along with Stepping UP.
The following week we are holding an Info/Registration night at Portabello School with the hope of having one class there.
Finally we are canvassing for participants at Port Chalmers with the hope of holding a class there alongside a Stepping UP class.
It's been really positive with the feedback and interest I received over the Xmas holidays. Maybe it's the hot weather and the hope of completing before the snow arrives.
Watch this space for updates.
Sunday, February 7, 2016
2015 Round Up
Well 2015 finished in very quiet and peaceful type of way considering all the hype about Xmas. The last group to graduate came from Carisbrook School. The school was very busy with the last week of year underway. so the parents concerned all decided on a small informal graduation after class.
Also invited were the Stepping UP graduates who had been working all term with Rebecca South.
Unfortunately, despite all my best efforts three of the graduates had to wait until the new Year for their Internet connections. Hopefully they were overcome with Xmas cheer to notice the lack of a connection. What better present could you give your kids for New Year anyway.
There are not a lot of photos but below are the few for your viewing.

Unfortunately, despite all my best efforts three of the graduates had to wait until the new Year for their Internet connections. Hopefully they were overcome with Xmas cheer to notice the lack of a connection. What better present could you give your kids for New Year anyway.
There are not a lot of photos but below are the few for your viewing.
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