Friday, April 6, 2012

Term 2 Starts Early

Term 2 has started early for two of the classes at Concord. Wednesday evening saw the start of the next Computers in Homes class for Concord with 5 eager people turning up for their class. They got to meet our CiH team and have all (or most) of their questions answered before beginning again on Tuesday 1st May after the school goes back from the holidays.
It wasn't long though until we had the Thursday night Stepping UP class of 6 biting at our ankles, as they arrived for their second week of classes at Concord. They will also be taking a break over the holidays and will be returning on Thursday 10 May after their tutor has a chance to take his honeymoon.
Check out the two classes in the photos below. I have noticed however that we have a couple of shy participants, who managed to dodge the camera. Hope you all have a great holiday with your kids and we'll see you all back in a couple of weeks.


  1. this is angela here in computers in homes i am doing the concord course its awsome the tutors are great tony forgot the coffee pot lol

  2. Hi my name is sandra i am doing computers in homes at concord school and having a good time there are plenty of laughs while we are learning.

  3. Hi my name is Stuart i am doing computers in homes at concord school and loving it cheers

  4. My name is Lorraine I am attending the Computers in Homes at Concord school. Good fun makes one think I am not very fast.

  5. Hi my name is Denice I am trying to do the computers in homes course which is at concord school, having a lot of fun just as well the teachers have a lot of patience.

  6. hi my name is paul doing computers in homes at carrisbrook terris have never used computers before

  7. Hi peoples my names chantelle, loving the course learning lots and its heaps of fun xxx

  8. Hi mike here I'm doing computers in homes and finding it fun way to learn some more skills even when the stupid computer wont work

  9. Hi my name is Hoa i am doing computers in homes at College St school,having a lot of fun and loving it.Thanks

  10. Hi my name is filma and Iam attending computer class at caris brook terraces,having a lot of fun.

  11. Hi my name is James, i am doing the computers in homes program at caversham schools terraces site and i think it is a brilliant scheme. Well done :)

  12. my name is lionel, i am doing computers in homes course at college street school,I am loving the course very much.And it is a very good scheme.

  13. Hi Teresa here, I'm enjoying learning to use computers and thank you to the tutors for their patience in teaching me.
    What an awesome programme!
