NetHui hit the south island for the first time ever over the weekend.
Teresa giving her Presentation with a
little support from Janine Moore |
The programme started on Friday afternoon with the formal opening and then some interesting presentations. We had a chance to have some input into the discussions after the tea break with an open forum being held at the Museum.
The Digital Divide panel with Di and
Leona taking centre stage. |
This was followed by some networking drinks. The Computers in Homes group (or those who had not had an early start)went out for dinner and back for some much needed rest for Saturday. The next day kicked off with our chance to really showcase ourselves with a ten minute presentation being given by local CiH participant Teresa Sinclair, about her journey. This was the springboard into the panel debate on The Digital Divide.
Project co-ordinator Janine Moore getting
a chance to put across the CiH viewpoint
during an open discussion time |
The day followed along the debate lines with some very interesting panels and rousing debates. The local CiH team were invited to board DORA and participate in an online KiwiSkills class and those wanting to complete their exams were given the opportunity.
Dunedins CiH & Stepping UP team get
a chance to put DORA through her paces. |
DORA made her debut in Duneidn in style. Although Janine had done her level best to try and ruin DORA with the local terrain she made it to the Museum and spent the two days in pride of place. All in all it was a great couple of days. Dunedin turned on the best of weather and made for an awesome event.
Dora taking pride of place outside the
entrance to Otago Museum. |
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