Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Final Wrap Up for 2012

December Graduation Wraps up 2012
Another year has been marked with the combined graduation on Tuesday 18th December of both Concord and Carisbrook Schools classes. We saw a big crowd with family eagerly supporting the 24 new graduates. All were keen to get the formalities out of the way and get their new machines home and set up just in time for the children finishing school for the holidays. While it is a bust time of the year for the schools and their staff, thanks goes to Concord principal Steve Turnbill, who stepped into the gap and assisted with the awarding of certificates. Once more the graduation was marked with alot of interest being registered for Stepping UP classes next year. We also had six Stepping UP people graduating and celebrating the completion of at least four steps. One student celebrated the completion of all 16 steps and well done to her is now waiting and more than willing to begin her KiwiSkills training. So congratulations to all and I hope you have many happy hours of entertainment from your machines during this holiday break.
December 2012 Graduation on PhotoPeach
December 2012 Graduation on PhotoPeach
Monday, November 26, 2012
NetHuiSouth Comes to Dunedin
NetHui hit the south island for the first time ever over the weekend.
The programme started on Friday afternoon with the formal opening and then some interesting presentations. We had a chance to have some input into the discussions after the tea break with an open forum being held at the Museum.
This was followed by some networking drinks. The Computers in Homes group (or those who had not had an early start)went out for dinner and back for some much needed rest for Saturday. The next day kicked off with our chance to really showcase ourselves with a ten minute presentation being given by local CiH participant Teresa Sinclair, about her journey. This was the springboard into the panel debate on The Digital Divide.
The day followed along the debate lines with some very interesting panels and rousing debates. The local CiH team were invited to board DORA and participate in an online KiwiSkills class and those wanting to complete their exams were given the opportunity.
DORA made her debut in Duneidn in style. Although Janine had done her level best to try and ruin DORA with the local terrain she made it to the Museum and spent the two days in pride of place. All in all it was a great couple of days. Dunedin turned on the best of weather and made for an awesome event.
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Teresa giving her Presentation with a little support from Janine Moore |
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The Digital Divide panel with Di and Leona taking centre stage. |
This was followed by some networking drinks. The Computers in Homes group (or those who had not had an early start)went out for dinner and back for some much needed rest for Saturday. The next day kicked off with our chance to really showcase ourselves with a ten minute presentation being given by local CiH participant Teresa Sinclair, about her journey. This was the springboard into the panel debate on The Digital Divide.
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Project co-ordinator Janine Moore getting a chance to put across the CiH viewpoint during an open discussion time |
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Dunedins CiH & Stepping UP team get a chance to put DORA through her paces. |
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Dora taking pride of place outside the entrance to Otago Museum. |
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Term 4 Starts in Dunedin
Well it seems to have been a very slow start to Term 4 in Dunedin. We had a number of family infrmation nights planned but unfortunately the cold weather seems to have kept everyone inside in the warm. Finally witht he start of week two all are starting to poke their heads out as the sun starts to shine.
We have managed to get together four different classes for this term at two differnet schools. So tutoring work has been nicely divided between the sets of tutors and all will combine together for a graduation on Tuesday 18 December at Carrisbrook School. We will be looking a graduating another 6-10 Stepping UP participants at this graduation as well.
So to the events of this week. All classes began Lesson One this week. We have a Monday class at Carisbrook Terrace School, 4- 6.30pm. This class is being tutored by Rebecca South. Tuesday we have another class at Carisbrook Terrace from 5.30-8pm, this class is also tutored by Rebecca South. Tuesdays also another class at Concord 6-8.30pm. This class is tutored by Tony & Liz Haywrad. Wednesday rounds off Computres in Homes classes with another class at Carisbrrok Terrace 4-6.30pm. This class is tutored by Tony & Liz Hayward. Stepping UP classes complete the week on Thursday evening 5.30-7.30pm and are tutored by Neal Johnston. This class has some people travelling from Pine Hill to be part of it and they all seem to be very dedicated to completing more than the 4 required steps.
Well done to you all for taking up these opportunities. I look forward to catching up with the CiH participants as I make the rounds of the classes and am always pleased to receive an e-mail from each participant each week. Hope you're all getting your replies. If I miss anyone (unintentionally) I will be back to each class during the first week of December to help you all through your Online Surveys and arrange an Internet connection for you all. So until them sit bck and enjoy the CiH experience and maybe check out the photos.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Stepping UP Graduation in September
Well we have acheived our final graduation for Term 3 of this year, with the presentation of ten more Stepping UP participants. This group have gone well beyond the required four steps, with most of them completing the full sixteen steps. It was great to celebrate with such a dedicated group of people. We even had a mother and daughter team, who completed the course together. Celine had to accompany her mum Karen to the classes as she had noone to watch her. They asked if they could both participate and sixteen weeks later both received their certificates together. What a great example of family learning alongside each other. Check out the photos and see how pleased they are with themselves.
Stepping UP Graduation September 2012 on PhotoPeach
Carisbrook Celebrate at Their CiH Graduation
Well we got to do it all over again last night. We celebrated with seven more families graduating from their Computers in Homes classes. This school is very supportive of our programme, very much in large to their forward thinking Principal Ben Sincock. He has hosted many classes through this school and continues to try and reach all his school families who remain digitally disconnected. We had a number of very excited children who were chomping at the bit to get their new machines home and take them for a test run and were extremely disappointed when invited to share a light supper. After all if you were eight and had to select an asparagus roll or a computer, what would you pick? Well done to all graduates and to the new members who are ready to take on the challenge of Stepping UP tonight.
Carisbrook Graduation September 2012 on PhotoPeach
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Graduations Begin Again in Dunedin
Well its that time of the term again to celebrate the acheivements of another school of people. Last night was no different with the graduation of ten families from Queens High School. However this one was a little out of the norm with all the graduating families having the opportunity to be some of the first families in New Zealand to have access to an Ultra Fast Broadband connection. This is a vision of The Digital Office in Dunedin, who want to see an affordable, reliable connection for all families to the UFB cabling. It has been discussed and planned for the past year or so. Principal Julie Anderson was brave enough to put her hand up and give her school families this chance. Meetings were held and problems solved and with help of numerous companies and individuals it has finally come to fruition with all ten families due to get their connections live next week. We did need to get some families up to speed with the hardware, and some digital knowledge and this all started eight weeks ago when they signed up for a CiH course. They have been a very dedicated and committed pair of classes. All participants were very happy to receive their machines last night and are eagerly awaiting their Internet. Once more thanks to the CiH tutors Liz & Tony Hayward and Rebecca South who gave their classes the confidence to take on this project. To Julie thanks for opening your school to the community and we look forward to undertaking one more class here next term. We were honoured by one participant Dan speaking on the groups behalf, and I can only endorse his views on just how amazing it was to see the school community joining together at the school for the betterment of their families. How true are those words.
Queens Graduation September 2012 on PhotoPeach
Thursday, July 19, 2012
New Term 3 Classes are Underway
Well the new term has begun in Dunedin and once again we have had some eager people attend the recent Parent Information evenings held to begin classes. The first meeting was held at Carisbrook Terrace and we have a new class beginning there on Tuesday 24 July and they will train for the next eight weeks under the careful eyes of tutors Tony & Liz Hayward. This class will run on Tuesdays 6-8.30pm, and this class will graduate on Wednesday 19 September.
We then held our next meeting at Queens High on Wednesday and have an eager group ready to begin their training on Thursday 26 July and this classes will again be tutored by Tony & Liz and will run on Thursdays 4-6.30pm and they will graduate on Tuesday 18 September.
The Principal is holding another group of names of people wanting to train on Wednesday afternoons. With the help of National Coordinator Di Daniels we were lucky enough to secure the services of Rebecca South. Rebecca moved to Dunedin during the holidays and was the CiH tutor for the Coromandel Pilot project. I would like to welcome her on board our team and am looking forward to working with her. Rebecca and I will meet with this group on Wednesday 1 August and they will begin their training then. This class will run on Wednesday afternoons from 4-7pm, and will graduate along with the other class on Tuesday 18 September.
Welcome to all the families now starting out on their CiH journey and I'm looking forward to catching up with you all again closer to graduation time. Sorry for the lack of photos but this coordinator forgot to charge her batteries but watch this space they may turn up when you least expect it.
We then held our next meeting at Queens High on Wednesday and have an eager group ready to begin their training on Thursday 26 July and this classes will again be tutored by Tony & Liz and will run on Thursdays 4-6.30pm and they will graduate on Tuesday 18 September.
The Principal is holding another group of names of people wanting to train on Wednesday afternoons. With the help of National Coordinator Di Daniels we were lucky enough to secure the services of Rebecca South. Rebecca moved to Dunedin during the holidays and was the CiH tutor for the Coromandel Pilot project. I would like to welcome her on board our team and am looking forward to working with her. Rebecca and I will meet with this group on Wednesday 1 August and they will begin their training then. This class will run on Wednesday afternoons from 4-7pm, and will graduate along with the other class on Tuesday 18 September.
Welcome to all the families now starting out on their CiH journey and I'm looking forward to catching up with you all again closer to graduation time. Sorry for the lack of photos but this coordinator forgot to charge her batteries but watch this space they may turn up when you least expect it.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Carisbrook CiH & Stepping UP Families Graduate in June
Well we thought last night was cold but tonight the weather threw everything at us bitterly cold gale force winds, rain, and even some snow flurries. Still we had an awesome turnout of families albeit in the more cosier atmosphere of the staffroom. CiH National Coordinator, Di Daniels, and Deputy Mayor Chris Staynes braved the conditions to help celebrate with these families, and Principal Ben Sincock offered his congratulations to them, along with an invitation to continue with further training at his school. After some very inspiring words from all three of our guests, Neal started the night by awarding certificates to thirteen of his students who had completed at least four of their Digital Steps with Stepping Up. Then Tony & Liz awarded completion certificates to another thirteen Computers in Homes families, who were stoked to be taking their machines home. It was great to see that of these, eight were ready to begin their next journey in learning and would attending Stepping UP classes with Neal starting tonight. What great role models they have become for their children. So it was with alot of very wide grins that the night came to an end, and after posing for the mandatory family photo all seem to race of into the storm with machines under arms.
Carisbrook CiH & Stepping UP Graduation in June on PhotoPeach
Carisbrook CiH & Stepping UP Graduation in June on PhotoPeach
Concord School Graduates in June
It was a cold night and this would have accounted for the smaller than normal turnout to celebrate with the five most recent families graduating at Concord. Thanks to Principal Steve Turnbill who stayed behind to celebrate with them, and to Di Daniels, who made the trip down south. It may have been a small gathering but the noise levels were deafening at times, as this group showed just how much fun they were having during their classes. Thanks go to Tony & Liz, who got them through this stage of their learning, and welcome to those who are going to carry on their training under Neals leadership with Stepping UP. They were a great group of people, who brightened up a dreary and cold evening. Congratulations to you all.
Concord School June Graduation on PhotoPeach
Concord School June Graduation on PhotoPeach
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
CiH & Stepping UP join The Digital Office
Well its offical. Dunedin Computers in Homes and Stepping UP porgrammes are to join forces with The Digital Office. During the meetings held today it became quickly apparent just what a beneficial union this will become for Dunedin families. The Digital Office was recently set up to administer the councils Digital Strategy and with Computers in Homes currently running four classes per week, and Stepping UP another four classes from Carisbrook Terrace it was a natural place for these projects to fit. This meeting was very fruitful and it looks very promising that the Digital Office will oversee the local management of these projects, along with alot of exciting new prospects in store. Watch this space!!!!!
Friday, April 6, 2012
Term 2 Starts Early
Term 2 has started early for two of the classes at Concord. Wednesday evening saw the start of the next Computers in Homes class for Concord with 5 eager people turning up for their class. They got to meet our CiH team and have all (or most) of their questions answered before beginning again on Tuesday 1st May after the school goes back from the holidays.
It wasn't long though until we had the Thursday night Stepping UP class of 6 biting at our ankles, as they arrived for their second week of classes at Concord. They will also be taking a break over the holidays and will be returning on Thursday 10 May after their tutor has a chance to take his honeymoon.
Check out the two classes in the photos below. I have noticed however that we have a couple of shy participants, who managed to dodge the camera. Hope you all have a great holiday with your kids and we'll see you all back in a couple of weeks.
It wasn't long though until we had the Thursday night Stepping UP class of 6 biting at our ankles, as they arrived for their second week of classes at Concord. They will also be taking a break over the holidays and will be returning on Thursday 10 May after their tutor has a chance to take his honeymoon.
Check out the two classes in the photos below. I have noticed however that we have a couple of shy participants, who managed to dodge the camera. Hope you all have a great holiday with your kids and we'll see you all back in a couple of weeks.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Big Thanks To Carolyn
as part of the Green Island graduation last night, we took the opportunity to present a past graduate from Pine Hill School, Carolyn Laing, and her children with a token of our appreciation. Carolyn opened up her family to us to interview. They were given the question "What has Computers in Homes Done for You". They were all very candid with their responses. Her story was selected to represent the Oatgo region in the 2020 Annual Report. As such we gave her a new netbook and a wireless modem. Carolyn was rapt as she has taken steps to start running a business from home and as such this will enable her to have dedicated use of a computer, without taking away from her children. If you would like to read Carolyns story it can be found at www.digitaloffice.co.nz
Thanks Carolyn you have done the Dunedin Computers in Homes project proud.
Thanks Carolyn you have done the Dunedin Computers in Homes project proud.
Green Island Graduation
Green Island graduated another 16 participants in Dunedin last night. A very keen bunch of graduates, along with their excited familes gathered in the Library at the school and listened to a couple of entertaining stories from the special guests who attended. Barbara Craig, who is a 2020 Trustee and had flown from Wellington for the event, told those graduating just what happened to their surveys when completed. It was great for participants to be able to put a face to the name. Deputy Mayor, Chris Staynes was also present, and he kept everyone amused with his stories of his early ICT experiences. Green Island Principal, Steve Hayward, congratulated all present on their acheivements. Janine Moore, Otago regional coordinator, also took the chance to congratulate the participants who had migrated onto Stepping UP classes, and reminded all others that the chance for further learning was there. Formalities over and certificates handed out, it was difficult to get them to pose with family for the photos that are attached, all were too keen to get their hands on their goodies and high tail it to their cars. Well done to you all, you are all excellent role models for your children/grand children.
Green Island Graduation April 2012 on PhotoPeach
Green Island Graduation April 2012 on PhotoPeach
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Stepping UP Classes Begin
Well after many weeks of attempts we have finally got our first two Stepping UP classes beginning in Dunedin within the next two weeks. Both classes will be covering the Digital Imaging step. The first starts at Concord School on Saturday 24 March at 9am, with the second being on the same day at Pine Hill School at 1 pm. Big thanks to both Mel, & Steve, the principals of both these schools who have opened their POD machines for the benefit of past CiH graduates. We also welcome Neal Johnston, who will be tutoring our Stepping UP classes and thank the 12 past graduates who have agreed "to put their toes in the water" and try it out. Watch this space for photos of these classes.
Dunedin WiFi Underway
Further to my last post. I am pleased to be able to announce that our first seven trialists are hooked up and underway with our WiFi trial. This is very exciting as it fits in well with our next intake at Green Island School ready next week to complete their Online Surveys and select their option of Internet. We now have 3 options and price ranges to offer them. Also after our last NCCG meeting and the decision by CiH to partially fund a full 12 months connection along with a similar funding by the participant I think this will make the whole Internet Experience easier and better for our families down south.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
WiFi Solution for Dunedin Families
Its true. After almost four months hard work by myself and some of the Steering Group we have got a solution for the families who do not have a landline or are on Satelite phones. We have our first eight families starting this month with ISP WIC. They will be supplying them with a WiFi connection for $28.75 per month, making it a very affordable option for most. It is a very exciting step forward for Dunedin Computers in Homes as alot of our families do not have a landline and rely on cellphones. This will no longer be a barrier for them getting their Internet connection. Thanks to Chris & Stu for helping get us to this point. 100% connection in Dunedin is now a real possibilty.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Stepping UP comes to Dunedin
YES. To all you non believers out there we are starting Stepping UP in Dunedin. Vouchers have been sent to past participants and a list of available modules has been included. The tutors are ready to begin and as interest is expressed classes will be arranged. At the moment we will be beginning with classes at Pine Hill School on Saturdays and depending on demand may be run morning and afternoon. So if you are wondering what to do with your spare time or you wanted to take your learning further please e-mail your expression of interest to tlhayward@vodafone.co.nz.
Green Island Begins 2012
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